César Aira


(Last updated Feb. 2015)

The Lime Tree (2017, tr. Chris Andrews); aka The Linden Tree (2018)

The Proof (2017, tr. Nick Caistor)

The Little Buddhist Monk (2017, tr. Nick Caistor)

Ema the Captive (2016, tr. Chris Andrews)

Dinner (2015, tr. Katherine Silver)

The Musical Brain and Other Stories (2015, tr. Chris Andrews)

Conversations (2014, tr. Katherine Silver) / Las conversaciones (2007)

Shantytown (2013, tr. Chris Andrews) / La villa (2001)

Three Novels: Ghosts, An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter, The Literary Conference (2013, tr. Chris Andrews and Katherine Silver)

The Miracle Cures of Dr. Aira (2012, tr. Katherine Silver) / Las curas milagrosas del Doctor Aira (1998)

Varamo (2012, tr. Chris Andrews) / Varamo (2002)

The Seamstress and the Wind (2011, tr. Rosalie Knecht) / La costurera y el viento (1994)

The Literary Conference (2010, tr. Katherine Silver) / El congreso de literatura (1999)

Ghosts (2008, tr. Chris Andrews) / Los fantasmas (1990)

How I Became a Nun (2006, tr. Chris Andrews) / Cómo me hice monja (1993)

An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter (2006, tr. Chris Andrews; preface by Roberto Bolaño) / Un episodio en la vida del pintor viajero (2000)

The Hare (1997, tr. Nick Caistor) / La liebre (1991)

Argentina: The Great Estancias (1995, edited by Juan Pablo Queiroz & Tomás de Elia; introduction by Bonifacio del Carril; text by César Aira; photographs by Tomás de Elia & Cristina Cassinelli de Corral)


Latino Weekly Review (October 2004)
The Wheeler Centre (August 2011), reprinted from The Victorian Writer
Kill Your Darlings (August 2011)
BOMB Magazine
Spiegel International
Letras Libres (Spanish)
Ox and Pigeon (part 1; part 2)
Louisiana Channel (Spanish, with English subtitles)
Louisiana Channel [2] (Spanish, with English subtitles)
The Conversational Reading (February 2015)
The Leonard Lopate Show (March 2015)


Katherine Silver, Conversational Reading
Chris Andrews, The Bookhopper
Chris Andrews, The Book Bench 
Chris Andrews, Center for the Art of Translation 
Chris Andrews, Katherine Silver, and Rosalie Knecht, The Marketplace of Ideas (Spoiler alert: In the third segment of the interview, Rosalie Knecht gave away the ending of How I Became a Nun.)
Rosalie Knecht, Conversational Reading
Rosalie Knecht, The Awl
editor Barbara Epler, GQ
Chris Andrews, The Mookse and the Gripes
Chris Andrews, The Quarterly Conversation


Time Travel: The Stairs (tr. Jonathan Blitzer), The New Yorker
Cecil Taylor (tr. Chris Andrews), BOMB
Athena Magazine (tr. Chris Andrews), Electric Literature
God's Tea Party (tr. Chris Andrews), The VICE Reader
The Ovenbird (tr. Chris Andrews), The White Review
Picasso (tr. Chris Andrews), The New Yorker
The Musical Brain (tr. Chris Andrews), The New Yorker
Osvaldo Lamborghini and His Work (tr. Adrian West), Asymptote
The Spy (tr. Alfred Mac Adam), BOMB Magazine
The New Writing (tr. Rahul Bery), The White Review
The Miracle Cures of Dr. Aira (first chapter), BOMBlog
"On Eloísa Cartonera and César Aira: Much More Than Just a Translation of El Cerebro Musical" (PDF) by Stephanie Reist (thesis, Williams College)
From Dr. Aira's Miracle Cures, Litseen (video)
Book excerpts, New Directions publisher's page (click on a book cover for the link to excerpt)
Excerpt from The Literary Conference, Scribd
First chapter of 'The Literature Conference' (tr. Amanda Hopkinson), Words Without Borders


"The Literary Alchemy of César Aira" by Marcelo Ballvé, The Quarterly Conversation
"Unmanageable Realities: On César Aira" by Marcela Valdes, The Nation


Tan de repente (Suddenly), directed by Diego Lerman (trailer)
Ghosts (animated short/trailer), created by Susie Kirkwood and Jill Summers


The Miracle Cures of Dr. Aira
La Vida Nueva
Ema, la cautiva
La Princesse Printemps
An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter
The Literary Conference
The Seamstress and the Wind
How I Became a Nun
The Hare 